Engineering Next Level Growth Workshop
Is it time for you to play a bigger game? Do you want to breakthrough to a New Level and accomplish more in the next 12 months than you have in the previous several years . . . and have MORE freedom?
Let me share my process with you.
Get It and Watch it On-Demand Now!

For the last 30+ years I’ve been building growth systems to scale businesses. As an engineer, in operations, in sales, and in marketing. I’ve worked with hundreds of companies in 100+ industries.
Here’s the biggest thing I’ve found:
Growing a business, and growing a profitable business that gives you MORE Freedom are two completely different things.
I want to show you how to grow your business to the next level without losing your sanity. I want to show you how to have MORE GROWTH AND MORE FREEDOM.
The biggest problem with growing a business is the stress, overwhelm and the tremendous amount of work and energy needed.
Entrepreneurs work hard to get things going. Once customers or clients start coming in, the next logical thing to do is to expand the business. But that also brings problems – entrepreneurs waste a lot of time chasing bright shiny objects and programs that promise the moon but don’t deliver what they hoped for or what they were led to believe.
Let’s face it, trying to grow a business is overwhelming.
What Got You to One Level Will NOT Get You to the Next Level
Here’s a recent conversation I had with a client:
Me: “Do you want to double your business?“
Client excitedly answered: “Yes!“
Me: “We’ll just double your clients. It’s simple and we can do that. Do you want to double the amount of clients you’re working with?“
Client: . . . she started to answer and then paused and said “No. I’m doing too much right now. There’s no way I want to double the amount of work I have! That would drive me insane. There’s no way I can do it.“
I could feel the exasperation coming off of her. She wanted more, but there’s no way she could get there without losing her sanity.
This is a major problem whether you’re looking to get to 6 figures, 7 figures or wanting to get to $5, $10 or $20+ million.
Many clients confide in me that it’s like they’re running down a track with a freight train breathing down their neck. They can’t stop running or they will get run over. If they slow down or stop, they’re done. It’s over.
That’s no way to live.
That’s why so many get tired and worn out.
That’s why many entrepreneurs want to blow up their business and scale way back.
Maybe you’ve felt this before?
I get it. I’ve been there and so many others have. You’re not alone.
But who wants to just get by when you KNOW there is so much more out there?
Why not flip the script? Why not do something different? Why not ENGINEER your Business Growth?
. . . Why not be like one client who went from struggling trying to get business going to now being in over 50 locations.
. . . or another that was struggling to get their coaching business going and now has frictionless sales coming in.
. . . or another that took a business that was doing multiple 6 figures, made some changes and is now poised to hit 7 figures while working 2-3 days a week.
. . . or another business that . . . you get the point.
There are many stories of businesses at all different levels and industries.
Whether you are a coach, consultant, author, sales rep, contractor, builder, local service business, educational businesses, professional service business . . .
Here’s what I’ve found to be true:
You Can Take Your Business to an Entirely New Level While Having More Freedom!
More growth.
More freedom.
Growth + Systems = a remarkable life.
I will show you how to Engineer YOUR Growth Systems.
It doesn’t matter whether you just got your first clients or if your business is in the millions, this applies.
I’m hosting a paid LIVE workshop for entrepreneurs that are frustrated by being stuck and want to get to that next level without feeling overwhelmed.
This is an exclusive 3-hour live session (the recordings will be available after the workshop is over.)
It will be you, me, some other motivated entrepreneurs, and my whiteboard (if you’ve seen any videos of me, then you’ll know that I love to draw on my whiteboard!). It will be a private teaching session.
It will be interactive with exercises and some Q&A. The ones that get the most out of it, that have the most significant impact in their business and in their life, are the ones that attend live.
What I’m going over has worked in my business, in client’s businesses, in those I mentor and coach.
I want to give you clarity and eliminate the overwhelm.
My wife says one of my gifts is to help people clear out their “muckety-muck”. I want to help you clear yours out.
I love seeing people take their message out to a much bigger level.
My purpose is:
“Helping good people build great businesses.”
“We exist to help good people build great businesses. I believe that we are created in the image of God and that God has planted a seed of greatness inside of each and every one of us. Our purpose is to help that seed flourish and unleash it into the world where it can do good and help others. And in doing so, that it may glorify God.”
We have developed a proprietary system, called Engineered Growth Systems, that helps entrepreneurs find and unleash that seed of greatness inside of them and bring it to the world in a BIG way. At the heart of Engineered Growth Systems is Engineered Marketing and The 3 Core Systems.
It’s a remarkable system and an exciting journey.
It’s a way to take what you’ve done so well on a small scale and make it go bigger.
Are you ready?
Will you join me in this workshop?
Here’s the link to sign up:
This is a Learn and Do Workshop With Other
Growth-Minded Businesses
Goal: To build a profitable and scalable business that gives you more freedom.
This is a “Learn and Do” workshop. Not theory only, but actual implementation.
Here’s the format:
- I will go over the theory each week and explain what we’re doing, and why we’re doing it, so you will have the bigger picture and clearer understanding.
- We will then do. I will give you exercises to do to move your business forward.
- We will have dialogue with the other business owners and live feedback.
- You will be creating and implementing in this workshop.
Imagine it’s a year from now, it’s a Friday afternoon, you’re closing your laptop about to go do something fun, you’re reflecting back on what’s happened:
- You’re smiling because you’re officially done with the feast-or-famine roller coaster and have consistent growth since you systematized your lead generation and sales conversion
- You’re giggling that you’ve been able to raise prices because of the demand
- You’re relaxed because cashflow is stable and you have more than enough to cover expenses
- You’re relieved that you no longer have to constantly hustle or do 6 webinars a week to keep the pipeline full
- Business is running smooth, you have more time and you have your life back
- You’re excited that marketing is really clear to you and you have a clear plan to get to an even higher level
- You feel confident and in control and are now reflecting on “what’s next”
You have Growth that doesn’t depend on you.
Imagine if that could happen, would life be so much better?
That is what I want to help you with.
That’s why I created Engineered Growth Systems and Engineered Marketing.
That’s why I created this program.
Please note, unlike most of the training going on by marketers these days, this is not a get rich quick, 30-days to instant riches program. If that’s what you are looking for, you won’t find it here.
Is It Time For You To Play A Bigger Game?
If you’ve been following me or reading my materials, you know I got my start as an engineer building high-volume manufacturing lines for Ford Motor Company, then designed and built parts for the International Space Station Program before making the painful switch to sales and then marketing.
Everything was hard for me. I had countless sleepless nights and stressed far too much about cashflow so I could keep the lights on.
But I always wanted more. I KNEW that once I got the marketing and sales figured out EVERYTHING could change.
Marketing and sales will get you stability.
SYSTEMS will get you phenomenal growth – growth that doesn’t require you to be the magic. Imagine that!
The clients I work with are the best at what they do. They know that, their clients know that. But the problem is, more people should know about it but they don’t. They feel frustrated because they know there is a whole new level to get to but they haven’t been able to get there.
They’re doers. So they bust their tail and do a bunch of stuff. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, videos, social media, live videos, but nothing seems to work like it should.
They hit a wall and don’t know what to do.
I want to help you clearly see and know what to do.
Doubled Business to $10 Million. Saved $2 Million in Expenses.
“Working with Chris Goegan has been an amazing experience for us. As a small business, often we don’t have the time and manpower to focus on creating marketing strategies and systems. Chris has helped us to focus on our marketing message in a very strategic way and keep track of our progress. With the simple method of test, track, repeat we have seen growth in many areas such as sales, lead generation, and web traffic.
Chris has really helped us, and I would recommend him to anyone!”
Tim’s business doubled in sales crossing $10 million for the first time. At the same time, he also reduced his marketing and advertising costs by $2 million, adding this number directly to his bottom line. This was done in just one year with a part-time marketing person.
Timothy K. Lynn
President & Chief Executive Officer, NIR Roof Care, Inc.
“Looking back over this last year I can’t believe what happened. Let me share with you about where I was, what I did, and where I am now . . . ” . . . what will it say? What do you want it to say?
Your name here.
What title should I use for you?
Added $135,000 in 6 weeks and then 7-figures
“I added $135,000 in new sales within the first 6 weeks. $50,000 came in the first week. But even more cool, I kept up what you went over and it’s producing $7 figures for me. Every time I need help, you’re there. Thank you.”
~ Ken Appleton
“If Trust Is Important To You” . . . Michael E. Gerber
“If Chris Goegan isn’t the answer to everyone’s prayers, he’s been the answer to mine! I’ve never worked with a more enthusiastic, capable, resourceful and productive guy. And we’ve been in business for 30 years! Best of all, Chris always keeps his word! If trust is as important to you as it is to me, then by all means, give Chris a try as I did. Then you’ll be up here touting his wares!”
Michael E Gerber
His mega best-selling book “The E-Myth Revisited” is listed on the top 10 books billionaires read. Look for his new book “Beyond The E-Myth”
Hit $20 Million
“My business grew from $4 million to $20 million in 18 months. I’m glad I went through your class, it paid off. Yes, I would recommend it, but only if you want to grow.”
~ Jacob Hill
The Single Most Important Missing Piece Of My Business
I was listening to week 4 recording. “!! Unbelievable how much you challenged me and orchestrated the whole thing. You guided me to the one single most important missing piece of my business to get to the next level. You planted the seed and I delivered! Just to re-live the process of creation again, it is so cool how it took shape and form. I could have never done this without you! You pushed me to the edge and I feel I can fly! That is real stuff! I have said it and I will say it again! You are the best!
Thank you!!
Sabrina Gagnon
The Results With This Approach Are Astonishing Long Term
Like you, I’m an engineering graduate. I understand that you don’t just start a mechanism instantaneously and expect it to work at peak performance right away. Momentum needs to be built. You need some little successes before you can have medium successes, and then big successes. With that in mind, I set my income objective for the first year at a modest level. I’ll meet that objective, but it will not on its own have justified my investment in your program.
I believe in the long term. I don’t like living, breathing and existing for short term successes. Never have liked it. It doesn’t solve any issues, it just is typically patchwork. I prefer sustained, and long-term growth. Where you develop focus and go after it with wisdom, hard work and determination. Yes, adjustments, course corrections and fine-tuning are all part of it, as is personal transformation. The results with this approach are astonishing long-term. (Chris’ note – Ian did not recoup his investment before the program ended. He kept up what we did and has multiplied his business earning a massive return on his investment in the program. This is not meant for pure short term success, it’s meant for longer term thinkers who believe in their vision and do the work. Ian sent me multiple emails saying how he kept setting new goals and kept smashing them. Plus he lost a lot of weight which had nothing to do with the program but super proud of him.)
~ Ian Wilson
Learned More in 3 Hours Than I Did In The Last 18 months
“I’ve spent $26,000 on business coaching over the last 18 months but learned more in 3 hours with Chris about growing my business! In just minutes he gave me a clear path to double my business and give me so many options on creating a lifestyle I love. Ignore this guy at your own peril.”
~ Sean Mysel
Signing up for this training is by far the best decision I have made in the last ten years.
“I run an online digital marketing business for the Hispanic audience and noticed I had a large strategy gap that was affecting my sales and conversions. Under the instruction of Chris Goegan I was able to understand, clarify and reorganize my marketing strategy in a way that my message is more clear to my leads, and lowers my client’s acquisition costs by half. Now I have closed the strategy gap and my business is booming. This training was definitely the missing piece of the puzzle. Thank you!”
~ Jose Luis Galvis – Copywriter & Course Creator
Reduced Cost Per Lead by 64% and Increased Conversions by 54% and Produced New Leads for FREE
We reduced our cost per lead by 64% and INCREASED our conversions by 54%! Plus through automation you eliminated all the manual labor. Now instead of chasing prospects, I open my emails in the morning with prospective clients describing their situation and requesting specific times to meet with me. Very cool. Oh, you also uncovered an opportunity that produced new leads for FREE for another part of our business with no work required. I’m thrilled with what you accomplished for us!”
~ Ben Webster
“My Wife Is Very Happy With Me”
Hey Chris, i wanted to stop for a minute and say hello and give you a heads up. I am absolutely slammed at work now. My schedule has been packed. It’s a great feeling. Just wanted to let you know that I’m very thankful for the help you’ve given me in the past, both from you directly helping me and from introducing me to other marketing methods. Feels good. Thanks bud.
For those that want more information, here’s my story of what has happened over the last 3 years… “I had 2 offices that were doing well. Then the economy crashed and my business dropped in half. I was confused and uncertain what to do. That’s when I met Chris. He helped me develop a plan I had confidence in. We made some changes to our website and started some new campaigns. Chris was right that it took a lot of hard work. I’m thankful I stayed the course and didn’t change directions after a few months. Bottom line – I sleep soundly all night, my wife is very happy with me, my sales are at an all-time high, I feel confident and in control of my business and am excited about the future”
~ Dr. Darius Veleas, Victory Chiropractic
I want everyone on earth to work with you.
“The core of what you teach and express, is so accurate and foundational. When I see people struggling, it’s because they don’t know the things you talk about. Let’s get clarity on the essential parts of your business, when they get that, I KNOW they will succeed.”
~ Shayna Rose, Actress/Producer/Entrepreneur
This program is exactly what it says on the tin – engineered marketing. No fluff, no hype. It is a well thought out and tested methodology for systemizing results-based marketing for any business.
“I’ve been messing around with the marketing of my business since I founded the company several years ago. I’ve attended many of the ‘guru’ programs and invested a lot of time, money and effort for little return.
Chris helped me join up the dots. I now better understand the strategic concepts of marketing. This has enabled me to see how all the various tactics and platforms fit together to create a scalable client acquisition system.
Most importantly, he showed me how to set up my marketing and lead closing systems in a way that makes winning sales frictionless.
During the program, Chris walked me through setting up a live campaign on Google Ads. The result – a 200% return on my investment in the program before we had finished the 14 weeks.
I can’t recommend Chris and this program enough.”
~ Shane
Principal Coach
Summit SCALE® Coaching
“I believe this program will help me become a leader in the field.
“I also appreciate the fact that you do not sugar coat how much work is involved nor how long it will take to gain momentum. All good stuff!”
~ Laura Eiman
Who is this for?
Do any of these describe you?
- You aspire to get to 6 figures, $1 million, $5 million, $10 million, or $50+ million
- You don’t have the leadflow or sales or the team you need
- You feel like EVERYTHING depends on you and if you stop, the money stops
- You are overwhelmed with all the options for what you “could” do
- Things started off well but now you feel stuck
- You realized that you can’t get to the next level by simply working harder
- You believe in systems but you’re not exactly sure how to make them work
- You’ve tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work like you hoped or were led to believe
- You’re tired of all the garbage and the endless promotions promising instant riches
- You need more cashflow and struggle with getting sales and marketing to work
- You want to make your business a thing of beauty where you are helping a lot of people and making great money
- You don’t have a plan that you have confidence in to get you to your goals
- You want a clear and simple solution and a realistic timeframe
Put a proven system to work for you that will take you to the next level.