10 Predictions for 2010

1. More and more opportunities will be available for people who are professionals in what they do – the economy was so fat for a number of years that it didn’t matter what you did, you were guaranteed to get business. I often joke that you could write your phone number on the side of your car or truck with a magic marker and you would get business. Not so much anymore. Like it or not those days will not be back for a long time. Now that the field has changed, you must change. No longer do generic messages work. Only people who are pros in their fields will thrive. The rest will struggle. In tough times, people want solutions that work. And the cream rises to the top.

2. Facebook will continue it’s quest to become the new internet – Facebook is one of the few social media sites that gained substance and traction. More and more people are going there AND sticking. It is still not a dominant source for making money as usually when marketers move in people move out. It is a great place for people to share information and experiences.

3. Over 40 crowd will begin to hang up on social media – especially sites that are nothing but mindless chatter. Smaller private social networks will pop up and fill the void. The thrill and initial buzz of sites like Twitter will go away and people will want more than incessant chatter. They will join sites that cater to their specific needs and desires and connect to other like-minded individuals.

4. The Economy Will Still Suck – the Government says we are out of a recession. I still see a lot of business owners and people struggling. There are more neg-am loans coming due.  More than 36 MILLION Americans now dependent on a program once scorned as a failed welfare scheme. Instead of being alarmed by this shameful fact, the Obama administration is actually proud of it. Who pays for all this? Government is bailing out companies and printing money at will – doesn’t there come a point where your debtors call in their debts? The opportunites and rewards are for who control costs, market wisely, measure results and are established experts in the areas they serve.

5. The Ability to Niche Your Business Will Be The Fastest Way to Wealth – there are so many generalists in the world and in your industry. When money tightens, people want to hire those that are not just good, but those that are the best and can provide results. The tighter you niche your business, the easier it will be to eliminate competition and have more leads than you can shake a stick at.

6. More and More Websites Will Flood Onto a Blog or WordPress Format – gone are the days of high end HTML sites and flash sites. As the world has shifted to focus on the internet, having a site that Google likes is key. WordPress and Blog sites will increase your online presence. If you are looking for a new site, look for a WordPress or similar site.

7. More People Will Grow Disgruntled With The School System and Look For Alternatives – Bureaucratic programs encouraging teachers to forgo real learning in return for a paycheck tied to inane standardized testing, hours of homework, dry lifeless textbooks, crushing independent spirits and breeding passive, dependent, obedient conformists will cause more people to consider alternatives like homeschooling, charter schools, and private schools.

8. Many New Businesses Will Start Up. Health, Fitness and In-Home Nursing Care Facilities Will Continue to Raise – unemployment at high levels, companies laying off  people and not hiring all lead to massive competition for jobs. Many won’t be able to find them and will be forced to look for other ways to make money. Hence starting their own business. We are at the dawn of the age of the entrepreneur. When this country was founded, the Indians weren’t hiring. Now it has come full circle.

9. Online Videos Will Be Mainstream – if you are not using videos, start!

10. Canada Will Win Gold Medal in Men’s and Women’s Hockey at The Olympics – Hey, I’m Canadian, hockey is our game, and the Olympics are in Canada… do I need to say anything more about this one?!! :)

Make 2010 a prosperous year for you and your family.

Be great eh!


Thanksgiving Prayer


Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank thee for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded to us this day,
for the health, for the food,
and the bright skies that make our lives delightful,
for our friends in all parts of the earth.

Give us courage, gaiety, and the quiet mind.
Spare to us our friends, soften us to our enemies.
Bless us, if may be, in all our innocent endeavours.
If may not, give us the strength to encounter that which is to come.
May we be brave in peril, constant in tribulation, temperate in wrath,
and in all changes of fortune loyal and loving to one another.

As the clay to the potter,
as the windmill to the wind,
as the children of their sire,
we beseech of Thee this help and mercy for Christs sake.


~Robert Louis Stevenson

Three Questions DVD


Engineered Marketing Consult

Attention Business Owners: What if you discovered you were leaving money on the table? … lots of it

Most Business Owners Want Peace of Mind. They Want To Know THEIR Business Will Survive, Even When There Is Chaos And Fear All Around Them.


What Most Business Owners Don't Know Is There Are "Hidden Opportunities" Right There In Their Business


With Little Effort, You Can Convert More Leads To Appointments, Create More Sales and Eliminate Waste In Your Marketing and Advertising Budgets


Here's What I've Learned, Most Business Owners Suffer From "MARAD" Failure – Marketing and Advertising Failure. Their Marketing And Advertising Is Either Non-Existant Or They Are Not Getting The Results From Their Dollars They Expected When They Committed To The Plan.

In 2008 there were 25,000,000 small businesses in The U.S., of those there were 627,200 new businesses, 595,600 business closures and 43,546 bankruptcies according to U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, September 2009

Frankly, based on the news reports, I'm surprised those numbers aren't higher.

In today's economy, to survive and thrive, you need every advantage of every opportunity you can.

Based on 20 years experience working with small to mid sized businesses, there are identifiable reasons why some companies barely survive while others thrive. do you know why? Hint, it's not that they are using social media or email marketing. It boils down to 3 things: Written Goals, A Specific Business Plan and the Right Tactics. You must have measurable accountability in each of these areas. If you want to thrive, then you must do these three things well and follow them, even when the going gets tough. After you have absolute clarity about where you are going, you can make astonishing gains through the right strategy and incremental improvements.

Here is what I've learned. By making small incremental improvements in your sales and marketing processes, You can increase your PROFITS by 15-35% over the next 3 months. Plus you can convert more of your marketing opportunities into fresh, new clients Plus, get a higher response rate to your ads, ALL WHILE YOU SAVE MONEY.

If you are like many of the business owners I meet for the first time, you may be saying:

I've heard all this before and it is a waste of time.

If it were this easy, my CPA and Attorney would have shown me how to do this

This is right out of B-School, but it doesn't work in the real world.

Maybe my experience does seem unreasonable to you right now.

But it isn't. I have a long list of references who will tell you that what I'm saying is the truth and it will work for you.

There is a catch though…

… you must be open minded. You have to believe there are good solid answers out there and know you don't have the time to find all the answers. If you are like most of my clients, you are too busy being successful to really look at changing any of your mechanics. This is a dual edged sword. It is your strength and your weakness. Most business owners are too busy to get outside the jar and look objectively at everything that is going on inside the jar.

Is there a "magic bullet"? And if so what is the "magic bullet?" … there is and I will tell you what it is – it is all about making incremental changes in the key areas of your business.

First you have to identify the key areas that drive your business and then you have to find the right measurements that can make those key elements more efficient and effective.

Based on my experience, this is unlike anything you have ever seen before

I am an engineer and an advertising executive. I know there is a lot of hype and garbage out there. It is hard to discern reality from the noise. Maybe you have hired consultants in the past who have promised you the stars and delivered garbage instead. There are a lot of bandwagons out there and it is easy to get sidetracked and chase a "bright shiny object" … like Twitter and Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media … you can bet there will always be more "bright shiny objects" coming out in the days ahead. There always will be. There will always be fish who continually chases the bright shiny lures and end up dead on the dinner plate. It will happen to you too, if you chase after the glitter and the gold. What I'm telling you is the gold is in your business, right now. It is there for you to find. The only problem is you are inside the jar. You are too busy being successful to get outside the jar and look at these opportunities objectively.

Now before you go off on me, understand I am not saying social media is wrong or bad, they all have merit. It is just that most people's approach to them is all wrong.

… and it's not the approach you're after, it's the results. YOU WANT THE HOLE NOT THE DRILL, to use a business analogy everyone understands.

In reality, you see you and me are a lot alike…

… you probably getting results on your own. And when you don't have all the answers, you crave good solid information presented in a simple and understandable way. You hate salesman who try to force feed you ideas and concepts you know won't work. You probably call it garbage. You more than likely like predictability, stability and ease of implementation. Probably more-so now than ever.

If you are facing the same challenges in your business many other business owners are facing – like: sales too low, not enough leads, website not converting, adspends too high – you would like to find solutions that will work and turn your business ship onto the right course.

What happens when you are the best in your industry and the phone doesn't ring like it should?

Ever wish you had a close friend you could call and get an objective, honest answer. Someone who would objectively review your business plan and help you evaluate your options, as far as what you should do, how you should do it and who you can trust helping you get it done?

Most business owners suffer from this same problem. They feel all alone and they have no one who you can truly trust. It is getting harder and harder to find real answers to today's problems. Besides, you have a business to run. You need to constantly watching your numbers and your efficiencies. And every opportunity to minimize waste should be identified and implemented immediately with the skill of a surgeon.

On the flip side, you know that sales and marketing is the lifeblood of your business. Cut off the funds to push your products and you are certain to die a slow and painful death. Instead this is the time to find BETTER ways to MAXIMIMZE your sales, marketing and advertising dollars.

Instead of wildly throwing money at direct mail, Twitter, video blogging or whatever the latest bright shiny object is, you need to invest your money wisely in the areas that will give you the greatest returns.




It is Incremental growth. It is the key to massive success. Using the Pareto Principle, if you can get 10% Better in One area You get 50% More Sales/Profits

When you focus on small incremental growth it's amazing what can happen in your business. Did you know that if you have a 7% increase in the number of people who

  • are aware of your business
  • pause long enough to take a 3-30 second look at you
  • are interested in your message and want more information
  • want to meet or are thinking about purchasing
  • buy from you

You will see multiples in your results. That's right, MULTIPLES. All you have to do is incrementally improve awareness.

Did you know that increasing these areas by ONLY 7% will give you a 50% increase in business?!

Let's play what if. If you grow these by 14%, you will double your business. And if you only grow by 3%, you will get a 25% increase in business.


Your end results will be increased sales, maximize profits and have stronger relationships with your clients. WOW!!!! HOW GREAT WOULD THAT BE???????!!!

Now, I also understand that you are bombarded on all sides by a multiplicity of details and crises demanding your attention. And even though you want to identify and implement these solutions, you simply might not have the time nor the brain space to figure them out on your own.

Let me tell you a secret ALL smart business owners know and use – they focus on their strengths and outsource the rest. In B-School they call it delegation. It is why you hire key people to work in your business. But can you afford to hire a problem solver full time?

Smart business owners understand the value of their time. Instead of investing 100's of hours on researching, learning, understanding, planning and then implementing on their own, they want to have all the answers presented to them so they can make good, quick decisions and implement immediately.

… So what EXACTLY happens instead?

Business owners try to do it themselves. They think they are saving a $1000, $10,000 or $100,000 or more by not delegating to professionals. They instead lost, in lost opportunities, money that they could be  investing in resources that would in fact get them from where they are now to where they want to go in the fastest way possible.

So let me ask you a REALLY DUMB QUESTION, would an extra $10,000 a month help ease your mind and your concerns in these tumultous economic times? How about an extra $250,000, even $500,000 a year?

If this is you, if you would like to see where the MOST AVAILABLE opportunities are in your business and if you value delegating to someone who can help you produce these results, then you need to read this testimonial:

Results? Within the first 30 days of working with Chris, I secured $19,630.05 in new business! This happened during the slowest season for us at a time when there was typically no business. I am in the home improvement industry, one of the hardest hit industries and yet we were able to make some remarkable gains. Oh, I also doubled my closing ratio!!

… Ken Appleton, Owner, Appleton Renovations, Coto de Caza CA

Chris Goegan is one of a kind! He has a tremendous creativity that actually works for his clients. That means powerful bottom line results regardless of industry segment!!! His energy and passion for his work is unsurpassed and you get a hell of a lot more for your investment than you’ll get from ANY other source.

I’ve worked with a lot of support services professionals and organizations in the past and none are willing to guarantee their results like he does!

If you’re looking for no-nonsense creative solutions to your business challenges you should hire Chris. If you’re looking for ‘business as usual’ don’t bother. If you work with him, your business will soar!

Doug Bender
President & CEO
Paladin Consulting Services, Inc.

May I offer you a powerful resource to help you get more done in less time and help you book all the business you want?

I have developed a number of different solutions that can put "real" dollars in your pocket and give you the peace of mind that comes along with knowing your business is on track and growing.

This is not a trick and it is not going to cost you a huge sum of money. Instead of starting off with something large and expensive. Let's start small.

… What do I mean exactly by starting small?

Let's start off and form a simple partnership between us. I will do an assessment of your business to show you how big the opportunities are that you are missing.

I have a Customized 12 point Analysis. It is done by me, Chris Goegan, The Marketing Engineer. This is a focused 90 minute consultation designed to reveal and quantify these 3 things:

  1. How big are the opportunities you are missing
  2. How much time, money and energy will be involved to rectify your shortfalls
  3. And, what kind of results you can expect if you do what I tell you to do

I normally charge $2000 for this 90 minute, 12 point inspection. But I want to form a partnership with you. Partners work together. We have also recently discovered ways to do it more efficiently so as an investment in our future relationship I will discount my 12 Point Inspection by $1000. For that I will perform the analysis outlined below. I will also benchmark your traffic, conversion and profitability AND show you whether or not there are opportunities to achieve incremental gains.  This is about 8 consulting hours from me, pinpointing your opportunities for $125 an hour instead of my normal rate of $250 an hour.

I won't be offering this pricing forever. It is limited to the first 5 people and expires July 10th so it won't last. I wish I could offer more of a discount, however due to my limited availability I can't. I know you understand the value of time.

So, if you are looking to create small, incremental or even massive change. Then take advantage of this offer now!!!!

This inspection will be done on the phone, unless you want to meet me in person, my office is in Orange County, CA and I would be happy to drive to you if your business is in the area.

Here's what we are going to review and analyze on your Custom 12 point Engineered Analysis. We will analyze your:

  1. Your current business plan. (If you don't have one, then I will help you start one by helping you identify your goals and objectives and the challenges you are facing right now)
  2. Your ideal client- (who is the most profitable clients you currently do business with and why are they so profitable?)
  3. USP – Unique Selling Proposition- every business needs to know what differentiates them from the competition. Unless you know and can tell someone in 3-5 sentences, you are short changing your sales and marketing efforts.
  4. The Marketing and Advertising Strategy you are using now (if you are not using one or don't really have a plan, I will help you establish one.)
  5. Your sales process and review of your current marketing materials.
  6. Website analysis – inefficiencies and opportunities (if you don't have a website, we can get one up and running for a nominal cost. In today's world, everyone need to be seen on the web)
  7. Traffic Analysis – Adwords, PPC, SEO, SEM and keyword analysis
  8. Conversion rates – leads to business
  9. Opportunities to capture new business – most businesses capture business by accident. It happens just by wandering around. I am talking about "ON PURPOSE MARKETING"
  10. The Experience you are creating for your clients now (and why this is vital) and the effect on Long Term Customer Value
  11. Competition Analysis- WHO IS GETTING YOUR BUSINESS?
  12. Automation potential to score better results, increase efficiencies and free up time
  • Plus, at the conclusion of our meeting, we will define a simple, customized roadmap you can use that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be, as easy as 1 – 2 – 3

To take advantage of this sweetheart of an offer, instead of $2000, your investment is only $1000!




kenPrior to working with Chris, I was unsure of what the future would hold for my business. I was deeply concerned. I am responsible for providing for my family and the families of those who work for me. I feel a real burden of responsibility.

To make things worse, the slowdown in the economy and all the negative news we are bombarded with had a real negative impact on me.

Frustrated and unsure what to do, I turned to Chris for some different approaches. I realized that what I was doing was no longer working and I had to change.

The time and energy we have invested with Chris has proven to be well worth our efforts and we are very pleased with our investments and would highly recommend Chris to anyone looking to have greater penetration in these uncertain times.

In a down market you cannot continue to do business the same as we have in the past, we need to take Chris’ fresh ideas to take us out of the box and into the future.

Results? Within the first 30 days of working with Chris, I secured $19,630.05 in new business!

This happened during the slowest season for us at a time when there was typically no business.

I am in the home improvement industry, one of the hardest hit industries and yet we were able to make some remarkable gains.

Oh, I also doubled my closing ratio!!

Ken Appleton
Appleton Renovations

vanBefore I started working with Chris I had a semi-successful business. I have a great product and my clients love me, I just needed more clients! With all the things going on with the economy, I felt really frustrated, discouraged and depressed.

Even though I have been in this industry for 9 years, you would think I would know better! I had a failed marketing strategy and an overall lack of knowledge in marketing as a whole.

I wasn’t sure what to do and so I figured it couldn’t hurt turning to you. I have to admit, I had my doubts and wasn’t sure what I could do in this economy.

In our first meeting, it was so relieving because you connected with me in a way I could understand. You informed me that the only thing standing between me and my goals and dreams were myself, and a solid marketing plan.

From our first meeting, you put together a campaign for me that I immediately implemented and guess what?!! Less than 2 hours later I had 1 new client worth $6000 to me!!!!

Remember, only a few short hours ago I was depressed, worried, filled with anxiety and unsure what the future would hold.

Now I am confident, I expect my vision for my business and my life to come true. I feel more powerful and in control and am excited about the new campaigns you are working with me on.

I have hope again. Thank you!

Van Smith
Discount Cellular Supply

As owner/operator of Newport Rib Company @ Ladera Ranch, I have been completely satisfied in all of my business transactions I have had with Chris Goegan. I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Mr. Goegan for over a year in various capacities.The level of professionalism and commitment, which he exhibits, is superior and the reason I continue to be one of his clients. In addition, Chris is personable and sincere.

As a business owner, these are qualities, which I value, and the reason I know that any company or client who values integrity and excellence will find Chris Goegan to be an asset to their organization.

The marketing campaign which Chris set up was incredibly successful. It brought in lots of new business which we were able to capture and retain thorough our product. It was nice to see our restaurant full again!

Thank you Chris for opening our eyes to new possibilities!!

Jerry Marroquin
Newport Rib Company

"We have a lot of competition, but our Ribs don't"

scottYou are awesome Chris. I thank God for bringing you into my life (& Naomi also! Please give my love to her).

I can see now how God brought our lives together for something with an eternal and global purpose!

Scott Meacham
Transformed Relationship Inc.
Aliso Viejo CA

dougChris Goegan is one of a kind! He has a tremendous creativity that actually works for his clients.

That means powerful bottom line results regardless of industry segment!!!

His energy and passion for his work is unsurpassed and you get a hell of a lot more for your investment than you’ll get from ANY other source.

I’ve worked with a lot of support services professionals and organizations in the past and none are willing to guarantee their results like he does!

If you’re looking for no-nonsense creative solutions to your business challenges you should hire Chris.

If you’re looking for ‘business as usual’ don’t bother. If you work with him, your business will soar!

Doug Bender
President & CEO
Paladin Consulting Services, Inc.

chrisHey Chris,

You are amazing, generous, gifted, passionate, compassionate and a very good friend!

Seriously, you helped me SO much. It's nice to have a really smart guy put a spin on things. Again…you ROCK!

Chris Epstein
Irvine CA

davidBefore working with Chris I knew I was a smart and talented writer but I didn't know how to effectively reach my audience.I had been struggling financially for many months before crossing paths with Chris, and I was starting to think I had to reinvent myself.

My confidence in my ability to make money and provide for my family was taking a beating. Not only did Chris create an immediately achievable action plan for me; he also inspired and encouraged me!

He has helped me to accomplish what no one else ever has, how to continue to do what I do best, make a couple of minor adjustments, and more than triple my income in the first month!

Listen to him, follow his lead and you are guaranteed to quickly realize the fruit of your efforts!

David Meacham
Aliso Viejo, CA

If you want to evaluate my 12 Point Engineered Analysis, Act NOW.

Book your appointment now, click on the link above to order or call Chris Goegan at 714-553-2982. If you prefer email, email me at Chris@ChrisGoegan.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this web page. You have taken the first step towards increasing your business success through incremental change.

The Chris Report

Attention Business Owners…

Who Else is Tired of All The Hype and Garbage Out There and Is Looking For Real Answers for Today’s Marketing Problems?

Discover 4 Secrets To Manufacture The Keys To Your Own Kingdom And Obliterate Anything That Stands In Your Way…in 90 Days or Less.

Attention Business Owners!

Breaking News… Interviewed by the Orange County Register and seen online at MSNBC, Business Week, Washington Times and NY Daily News….


In light of the current Economic Challenges we are facing, we bring you a Special FREE Report:

How To Thrive And Prosper Right Now And Be Poised To Profit From The Emerging New Economy

Don’t answer your phone, don’t read any mail, don’t do anything until you read this… this is too big to miss…. it is that important!


Your business is at stake.

Your sanity. Your being able to sleep peacefully at night. When was the last time you can admit to doing that?

Here’s the deal. The economy stinks. The news is depressing so you avoid it. You can only watch American Idol for so long until your mind drifts back to that pressing thought…. your business.

Business is down. More important, YOUR business is down. You know some things have to change. You have to do SOMETHING different. But you are not sure what to do?

You started the search for answers but the more you looked around, the more information you got bombarded with. Direct mail, magazines, networking events, TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, social media, blogs, charity events, newspaper, newsletters…

Augh! Too many options that it becomes unbearable to make progress. Who has time for this anyways?

Do you realize how much time you can waste by researching all this stuff?

You have a life. You are good at what you do. Why does this have to be so stinkin difficult?

If You’re Too Busy With Life To EvenThink About Marketing – This Is What You’ve Been Waiting For. Now You Can Avoid Information Overload and build your business in only a few minutes a day. And it starts with learning a few secrets…

Either do the slow painful search by wading through all the “stuff” out there on your own and be frustrated, pulling your hair out and losing sleep.


If you want to finally break free from this confusion, then allow me to give you a powerful resource to help bring you crystal clear clarity to bringing you results faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

I’m Chris Goegan. My background is in engineering, sales, marketing and advertising. I am also Canadian and an avid hockey fan and an Ironman. I have talked to over 11,250 businesses over the last several years and have compiled secrets to what does not work when it comes to effective advertisng and marketing and what does work. I have been fortunate to help hundreds of small businesses make money and doubled one company’s sales, taking it from $6,000,000 to $12,000,000.

Now back to you. Why would I offer free resources to help you?

One reason is obvious, by helping people I may pick up a client or two. I was taught growing up that you reap what you sow and if you want to reap, you had better sow. And the golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Pretty good advice.

The bigger reason why I am doing this is not so obvious.

Let me tell you a brief story…

I struggled painfully at critical times in my life. I remember when my son Ryan, was a baby and there was no food in the fridge and we were down to the last diaper. Electricity about to be turned out. No money in the bank. I was desparately praying for help.

And then almost magically, I made a connection that changed my life. I had hope. Information. New skills. And RESULTS! Sales and cash in the bank – boy did that ease the tension in my home!!

I am grateful for the magical connections that have come along in my life just when I needed it. I made a decision right then and there. I promised myself that I would do whatever I could to help others have a better life.

That is why.

If you are searching for an answer. Let me ask you…

Do you want your own bailout plan? Want to create your own economic stimulus package? How about finally getting a break?

For those interested in doing what you do FASTER, EASIER, and MORE PROFITABLY, I have created this special FREE Report:

The 5 Best Kept Secrets All Business Owners Must Know To Book Themselves Solid In This Economy

Inside this revealing report, you will discover…..

  • The one thing you can do to re-energize your business
  • How to feel confident and secure in this economy
  • Three most common ways you’re wasting your marketing budget
  • The one most over-looked marketing strategy that will instantly skyrocket your sales
  • How to have your prospects demand to do business with you and not your competitors
  • And the one thing YOU NEVER WANT TO DO!

Jot down your name and email address below and this revealing report will be emailed directly to you.

And as an added bonus, you will get our weekly “Highlights on Marketing and Mindset” Ezine filled with insider information on how to create a successful hassle-free business. This will take the pressure off you and put the fun and joy back into being a business owner! (valued at $197)

Claim your FREE information now…

First Name:
Last Name:

Privacy Policy: Your email address will NEVER be rented, traded or sold. Your e-mail address is not made available to anyone — period. Your complete confidentiality is guaranteed. Submitting your information constitutes your express written permission for Chris Goegan and/or Creative Marketing Solutions That Work to contact you via the mediums above. Don’t worry, you can cancel your subscriptions at any time. Enjoy the great information you’re about to receive! : )

Made $6000 in just ONE Hour!!

“Chris, thanks to just one simple tip you gave me, I brought in one new client and $6000! Not bad for 1 hour’s work!!”

Van Smith, Discount Cellular Supply

Huntington Beach, CA


Former Ad Executive Reveals Insider Secrets to Double Your Lead Flow, Get Bigger Wins From Your Ideal Clients, And Eliminate The Waste In Your Advertising In 90 Days Or Less

… plus through proper structuring, you will Obliterate Your Competition

Chris Goegan “The Marketing Engineer”

To Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Around The World
– See Below for Rave Reviews –

How to Get FREE Instant Access… simply enter your information in the box to the right and I will immediately send you a copy of my…

  • FREE “5 Days to Marketing Success” via email“The 5 Biggest Marketing Mistakes and How To Avoid Each One” Short powerful lessons delivered by email… if you do nothing but read Day 3, I guarantee you will see a dramatic increase in business, miss it and it will cost you thousands.
  • FREE Subscription to my world-famous, no-hype, no B.S. weekly ezine “Engineered Marketing and Iron Mindset”
  • FREE Special Audio Report“How to Thrive in Turbulent Times and Eliminate Your Competition Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible – Create bigger wins more often using 3 simple little known secrets”

Claim Your FREE Information Now!

First Name:
Last Name:
Address Line 2:

See you on the next page where you will learn where the biggest sinkholes are that are causing 97% of businesses to lose sales and clients. You will learn what they are and how to plug them up before one more sale is lost.

Fill in your information now and I will see you on the next page.

Be great eh!

Chris “The Marketing Engineer”

and in case you haven’t figured it out, yes I am Canadian – that’s why I talk funny – eh!! :)

Chris Goegan’s Bio

Chris Goegan (Go-E-Gan) originally from Canada, now lives in Orange County California. Married to Naomi and has 3 kids Riley, Ryan & Reese ages 7, 5 & 1. Loves hockey, anything outdoors and seeing people win. He speaks funny and says “eh” too much. He is also an Ironman.

Engineering degree from Kettering University and started in the auto industry. Has designed parts that are in the international space station program. Got into sales to provide a better life for his family. Was painfully horrible at it before uncovering secrets from sales masters and became a top producer before starting his own Sales, Marketing & Advertising Company. Master in personalities, DISC, values based selling, NLP, persuasion, influence & negotiations.

He has made over 100,000 cold calls (hating every one of them!) a few thousand one-on-one meetings and has helped small business owners add about $65,000,000 in sales over the last 7 years. Chris believes in Direct Response marketing and that there should be tracking in place to measure results. The engineer in him is alive and well!! His mission in life is to serve as a willing vessel for God to “free prisoners and unleash greatness.” He loves to see people win!!

Chris now combines the critical thinking and automating processes of an engineer; the street smarts of selling to human emotional desires; and sales, marketing & advertising expertise. He applies the same dedication, determination and endurance of an Ironman – to help his clients win in their lives and businesses.

Chris believes that you should drink deeply from the cup of life and have some fun while you are at it!!

His wife Naomi will tell you that he is really playful and is 9 years old at heart.