Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
As a young manufacturing engineer in the auto industry during the massive downturn in the late 80’s/early 90’s I was in trouble. Many good people were losing their jobs. Being the new kid on the block, pressure was immense to prove my worth.
I worked at Ford Motor Company Essex Engine Plant in Windsor, Ontario. My job was, I would get thrown into the worst area of the plant with marching orders to “fix it and make it better”. I had to perform, and quickly! Hey, I didn’t want to get fired. So instead of struggling like so many others, I huckered down and did something different. I developed a process to disintegrate problems and gain quick sustainable results. I was thrilled! It worked! I kept my job and avoided the embarrassment of not having money when it was my turn to pay for a round on a Friday night. (I also had some great mentors that helped me out too, couldn’t have made it without you guys)
My Story
I worked hard to refine this process to quickly and effectively identify and destroy problems and accelerate success. After proving it repeatedly in engineering, I had my doubts that it would work elsewhere, so when I got into sales, after initially failing miserably, I applied my process there and you can imagine my shock when it actually worked again! My confidence quickly grew. Then I applied it to advertising where I quickly became one of the top producers in the direct mail postcard industry.
Now I have been commissioned to apply it to marketing and help companies prosper in spite of the economy.
Every time I applied this, The Difference Was Unbelievable
I now call this proven process “Engineered Marketing” and have become known as “The Marketing Engineer”. Because using this methodology and employing highly-ADVANCED strategies, I can engineer marketing systems to deliver you specific and measurable results.
Whether it’s getting and converting more hits on your site (one client now gets 1 new client for every 17 visitors to his site – he still wishes it were better), finding hidden opportunities in your business, increasing client retention, using direct mail (yup, this still works, one client got a 6647% ROI on a small laser targeted mailing we did. Now he’s wondering how it can be improved…. Is there no pleasing these people!!!).
Whatever it is, after having seen the inside of 100’s of businesses over the last 20+ years, I’m convinced that there are hidden opportunities in your business screaming to be found, if only you knew where to look.
Why am I doing this?
I got sick and tired of seeing my clients and friends’ businesses struggle as the market started drying up, competition got fierce to “win business”. It was killing my friends and causing my gut to wrench as I watched the tough decisions they had to make as they laid off staff members. More work for them. Longer hours. Less time. Business with existing clients drying up. Less qualified leads. Intense pressure to close each lead. Backlogs shrinked from 7 weeks, to it being a Friday with no jobs on the books for next week. Not knowing where and when the next deal was coming in. Personal savings dwindled to pay bills. Credit drying up. Terms with suppliers stretched to the max. Stress level through the roof with no end in sight. Massive fear as it suddenly became a possibility that everything could come crashing down and they could easily be back on the streets – the place they vowed they would never be again. Stress, fear, worry, irritation – they were like ticking bombs.
Does this hit pretty close to home?
Seeing my friends go through this was killing me. It affected me so much that I started losing sleep and my stress level was going through the roof – why?
Because I knew there had to be a better way. I told my wife Naomi – THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY! AND WHATEVER IT IS, I WILL FIND IT!
I prayed, I searched the internet, I went to every marketing and networking meeting I could find. I gathered insight from talking to over 5000 businesses/year – some successful, many not. What I did, was I applied my engineering proven process of problem disintegration methodology and …………
I found the secret. Yup, I found it. There are things you can do right now to create immediate sales and you can make changes to position yourself to shatter all your expectations for sales in the next 12 months. And you no longer have be a victim of your advertising or this economy.
I am investing my time and energy right now and sharing it with only a select few companies. Why only a few? Remember the movie Jerry McGuire? Remember his epiphany? ….. less clients, more impact per client, more profit per client? Well, I thought that would be profitable and fun. I mean, I’m not a spring chicken anymore and it had to beat handling mass amounts of clients and especially the ones that are a royal pain in butt! You know, the ones that drain every ounce of life out of you and leave you pleading with God to take you now!!
Instead, imagine working with people you actually like! That are happy to pay you more for the value you bring and pay you on time. Life, like me, is too short! (by the way, I clock in at 5’ 6 ¼” – and don’t leave that ¼ out!! I play hockey and have been known to fight for it!!) I think you will agree with me that there are better things to do then waste time with people that irritate you.
Most companies are shredding money uncontrollably and unknowingly at will on their advertising and marketing. How? By relying too much on branding and image, being in too many publications, paying too much, poorly designed ads, unclear message, wrong media, missing out on leveraging advertising dollars, not knowing results. Not firing the right laser guided smart bombs. There are many things.
Bottom line is they are wasting money. Or worse, THEY ARE MISSING HUGE OPPORTUNITIES. I was shocked at how many opportunities are being missed and how quickly these opportunities could be turned into new business over such a short period of time. And here’s the interesting thing, you never hear people talk about this kind of stuff in the advertising world and you never hear anyone giving practical solutions. They simply just don’t know another way or disgustingly worse – they… don’t…. want…. you…. to…. know!
If you want to see how this might work for you, then here are a couple of options for you. Click on the one that interests you most: